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Oil Painting Experience

Come and experience the joy of oil painting in a welcoming environment created specifically for beginners. All the necessary art supplies will be provided for each participant, ensuring a wonderful hands-on experience with this timeless medium. You'll have the opportunity to explore basic drawing and painting concepts in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere.

We understand that everyone learns at their own pace, especially when it comes to acquiring a new skill. Therefore, our approach is focused on accommodating individual preferences and learning speeds. Whether you're new to oil painting or looking to refine your skills, this experience is tailored with you in mind.

Oil Painting Experience

  • Participants are required to self-collect their painting in the studio one week after it has been left in the studio to fully dry.

    Due to limited storage space, collection will need to be done within one month from the workshop date. Any artworks left longer than that will be discarded.

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